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Scientologist Chick Corea named doctor honoris causa at NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology

Yesterday, it was made public that Chick Corea will be named doctor honoris cause at my old alma mater, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He will receive his title tonight in Trondheim.

Here's a quick translation of the reason for giving him this title:

The naming of Corea as doctor honoris causa shows what NTNU stands for internationally; a pluralistic creative university where Humanities and the Arts have a natural place. Trondheim Jazzorkester's cooperation with Corea has become important for the recognition and development of the jazz community at NTNU 

The question you should ask yourself is: Why would a technical university honor a well-known Scientologist? Well, the story is that NTNU is a result of merging several independent colleges into one big university in the late 90s. So the people responsible for achieving this facepalmable damage to NTNUs reputation is probably from the Department of Music at NTNU.

Giving honorary degrees to renowned people isn't bad in itself, but you have to think about who you represent and what they represent before doing something like this. What if the Nobel prize for literature had been given to famous Norwegian author Knut Hamsun in 1950 instead of in 1920? That would have been unthinkable at the time due to his nazi connections and fervent support of Adolf Hitler before and under the invasion of Norway during WWII. Of course this isn't quite in the same league, but it's the principle that counts. You cannot be a university focusing on technology and science and give out honorary degrees to anti-scientific people at the same time.

PS: Sorry if the text is a bit unpolished, but this is my lunch break. I haven't seen any news articles outside Norway for this story yet, so I decided to write about it myself.


Nyåpningen av «Chateauet» i Molde

I begynnelsen av september var jeg og en gjeng andre folk på besøk i Molde. Verten vår er deltidsjournalist og -fotograf og dro oss med på fotoekspedisjon til Parkveien 24, eller «Chateauet» på folkemunne, en rikmannsbolig fra jobbetiden ved slutten av første verdenskrig bygget i nybarokk stil.

Her er det mørkt interiør, solide vegger og romerske buer, så det er ikke rart det ble kalt «Slottet». Særlig rommet med trappen opp til andre etasje er det lagt mye arbeid i.

Selv synes jeg det hele ble litt vel tungt, jeg er glad i lyse enkle flater, og skal man først bruke mye treverk og lage krummelurer så er Casa Battlo i Barcelona mye kulere. Men dette er jo det provinsielle Norge, på den tiden da vi var Europas fillefrans. De fleste møblene i huset er originale, og de var utrolig flott laget. Her var det ikke mange skjevheter, selv etter snart hundre års bruk.

Huset ble bygget for Oscar Hanssen, konfeksjonsfabrikkeier i Molde. Det ble tegnet av Carl Moe

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